Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentines Weekend/Christmas Part 3

This past Valentines weekend my sister Jayna, her hubby Steve, and their kids Makenna, Madison, and Colton were FINALLY able to make it to Texas to celebrate Christmas with us!!! We actually ended up combining a few holidays and just had one HUGE FUN weekend - a little Christmas, Valentines, and Birthdays all together! Here's the boys doing what they do best!

Jayna with Kai opening her Christmas present!

Jayna bought all the girls these precious Valentine pajamas!

Mom and Jae opening their Valentines from us!

Jayna with her Valentine!

Dad with two of the four granddaughters!

Kinsley and Kai had matching heart bootys!!! Sooo cute!

All the granddaughters!!!

We made heart cookies and Valentine gingerbread houses (to make up for the kiddos missing the annual Christmas gingerbread house making this year)!!!

Here's all our tools!!!

Kinsley and me working on her cookie!

Kaden and Madison, working hard!

All of us enjoying the hard work!!!

Me with my love on Love Day!

Here we all are at Sweet Tomato the night before they all left to go back! I think the words in the top right corner kinda sum up the weekend!!! I wonder if the waiter taking the pic meant to do that? Full of LOVE!!!!


Sarah said...

What fun! I love the heart booties!

Anonymous said...

Pajamas were so cute! Cookies looked delicious and fun!