This past weekend was our annual girls shopping trip with my cousins from Arkansas. It is always a good time, filled with tons of shopping, spending, eating, laughter, and CRAZY happenings:) This weekend, like all the others before it, did not disappoint! Here we all are at Marshalls/Home Goods, excuse my shirt that makes me look preggo - I in fact, am NOT - note to self - ha!!!

Kai sucking her toes - she did a lot of this, smiling, and kicking her sweet little chubby legs - happiest baby ever! - yes, we start them early:)

Gwen, Sharon, and Jae at Mi Cocina

Kinsley, Me, Mom, Linda at Mi Cocina - YUM!

Again...we start em' young, we start em' early! Kinsley loved trying on shoes at White House Black Market!

Gwen, Aunt Jane, Sharon, Linda at Neiman's

Cindy, Mom, and Stephanie at Neiman's - lovely shoes here:)

Gwen, Jae, Linda at BJ's - delish

Linda, Sharon, Stephanie at BJ's

Cindy, Me, Mom at BJ's
After posting all these, I noticed I mostly took pics while eating - I guess that was the only time I sat still long enough to do so - otherwise we were shopping til' dropping:) Ladies, it was a blast!!!! Can't wait til' next year!