Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shopaholic Sunday (on Tuesday:)) - Stationery

Remember this? It's called stationery. Letter writing seems to be a lost art form these days and its really kinda sad! I think many people would agree with me that getting something in the mail other than junk and bills just makes your day sometimes, am I right?? So my shopaholic post this week is about stationery! I have TONS, in fact, it has a home in one of my file drawers here in the office. I have WAY more than I ever use, but I love knowing its there! I thought I'd share some tips on letter writing and then let you know about my next giveaway! So dust off your pens and paper people!!!!
(some vintage stationery I drool over)

Letter Writing Etiquette 101:

1. Consider your canvas - your stationery - its a place where you will create something timeless and original. Consider color, weight, quality, and size of your paper - my fave are fun and funky notecards, but that's just me:)

2. Address your "audience" - by name! The title and greeting you use depends on your relationship, (i.e. "Dear", "Hey", "Hello"...etc.)

3. Get to the point - be concise and thoughtful and remember...there's no "backspace" button on your pen.

4. Be a trendsetter - just by reaching out with this archaic form of communication you are making a stylish statement. Imagine the joy on your recipient's face as they open their mailbox!

5. Make a memorable exit - Say adieu in and unforgettable way. Examples are ("love", "best wishes", "gratefully") or get creative ("all the best", "ciao", "cheers", "blessings", etc.)


1. Every day is a reason to write - you don't have to wait for a special occasion.
2. Save the date - letters are often kept as mementos - put a timestamp on yours by adding the date in the top right hand corner!
3. Have fun with it! - write to tell someone you had a good time, liked their "dish" at a recent party, noticed their "niceness", think they are cool - letters don't always have to be serious - add pictures, stickers, lots of colored ink, small trinkets, confetti, etc.

This I just LOVE!!!! How precious would it be and how "on top of your game" would you feel to hand this out to the next parent of a friend of your child's - I know I'd feel cool:)

This one is simple, yet classic - it's just "right" for several different occasions.

Are these not the most clever "moving" announcements ever? Again, I love their simplicity!

And who could resist the peacock feathers on the envelope flap of these??? It's so stylish meets modern meets classy!

One of my lucky friends will win a cute little set of notecards for commenting and letting me know just how you store your stationery - I need help with this ladies! Contest ends Sunday at 5:00pm again! Happy letter-writing!


Staci Danford said...

I am a total sucker for fun stationery.. I can not walk past it without feeling a serious need to HAVE It... haha What fun stuff you've got there.

Sarah said...

I love sending and receiving letters and cards! I don't have all those cute ones like you, though.

That's a great idea to add the date. I always keep cards and then wonder when they were sent.

I store my stationery in my bedside table drawer. They're all crammed in there and it's hard to open and shut the door.

Anonymous said...

I love stationary, love to collect it!

I'm like Sarah, all of mine is stuffed in my nightstand and when I'm feeling sentimental I will get a few cards out and go through them. I wish I could find a fun way to display some of the cards I've received.