Monday, April 26, 2010

Mothers Day Ideas

Mother's Day is only two weekends away! What are you guys getting YOUR mothers? Just looking for ideas! Since I'm a mom too, I'll show you what I am hoping for:)

I LOVE this swing from IKEA and think it would be really cute for my patio outside:)

Please share your ideas, my mom loves everything, so it should be easy, but for some reason that makes it harder??? What are you hoping for? I'd love creative, fun, inspiring, and DIFFERENT ideas!


Anonymous said...

I got my mom some Silpada jewelry this year. But I did something kind of cute a few years ago that I'm going to post on my blog in the next week.

Anonymous said...

totally LOVE the swinging chair!!! let me think about that!

Staci Danford said...

Ok...I have never seen a swing like that... but man I'd LOVE my family to get me one.. AND presents for my MOM is always crazy.. she has too much stuff haha and I hate to contribute to her storage. So every year I seem to give her pictures and a little scrapbook to carry in her purse of that years worth of all her grandkids pictures.. She loves loves it and shows it all year long.
